When you know he‘s falling for Her..
I wish I could be just like her
She’s so seductive and free
I can see he appreciates her more than me
I’ve never been the one to share
Yet he’s much happier whenever she’s there
Her mystique and her moves are unlike any I’ve seen
I’m jealous
Capturing his attention time after time
Just as much hers as he is mine
With me, his sweet kisses land right above my forehead
With her, he kisses the sweetness in between her legs
My 3 piece suits don’t compare to the kinds of clothes she wears
My short cut goes unnoticed when next to her long hair
She is fearless indeed
Feeding his hunger; matching his greed
She’s vibrant, demanding, commanding of his space
I wouldn’t be surprised if with her I was replaced
She’s drama free; takes no bullshit to say the least
See me, I am a lamb. But her, she is a beast
Her image changes nightly, I never see her during the day
Starting to think he prefers it that way
I allow my man to love her and for her to love him back
Her love of him is just as real as my own
She even shares my same skin tone
In fact our resemblance is damn near alike
Her face in the dark; my face in the light
We are one in the same (I mean you had to know)
He’s creeping on me with my alter ego ...