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Alter Ego

When you know he‘s falling for Her.. I wish I could be just like her She’s so seductive and free I can see he appreciates her more than...

You The Fucking Best

Drake makes a lot of music that I can write to. Maybe he's inspirational. But, here's one to one of my favorite's Best I Ever Had...


A series of questions invade my brain, only the answers have strayed from my mind They could be hiding in plain sight Blinding me because...

Nothing to say

When Drake made the song “Say Something”, I often wondered what he wanted her to say. I got tired of wondering …. Read the latest poem,...

Gone Girl

So sick of being an ideal girl, fucking with cowards  in this unreal world Too often manipulated by the shit men say Too many times...


"Sometimes your curiosity gets the best of you. Then you have to ask, why are you even asking?" – Author Nicki C A series of questions...

Was I Dreaming?

It began as a drink and a smile, but quickly became something more And you You just became the man I adore Like a flashing light you...


I've had to D.I.E. many nights...

Carpet burns

Sometimes, you have to take the pain with the pleasures…


In some cases, OD'ing is necessary.

Writer's Block

Ever wanted to say something, but just couldn’t find the words to convey your thoughts?


1 man + 1 woman = 2 ppl holding hands but not seeing eye to eye Minus his attitude and subtract her stubbornness and we’re back to square...

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